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"The Unexamined Life is not worth Living"


Join me as I discover an intentional life by seeking the good, embracing the true, and cultivating the beautiful.


Leaning on centuries of philosophical thinking, I will search and reflect on what makes a good life in the twenty-first century.

The Good
The True
The Beautiful

Plato was the first to identify these ideals as the highest virtues a human could aim for. Using the same language, the definitions of the ideals were soon argued and edited by his student Aristotle. Since then, philosophers have more or less come to the agreement of the words the Good, the True, and the Beautiful, but few have agreed on their meaning. However, we will be operating under the broad assumption that the Good is good for one and good for all, the True is true for one and true for all, and the Beautiful is beautiful for one and beautiful for all. That finding what is Good, True, and Beautiful for you will bring something Good, True, and Beautiful to your community and the world around us. 


Join me as I read about, meditate on, and discuss the Good life.

The Well Examined Life

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